A little about us

Our Company

Berkshire Media is well acclaimed for its systematic market research. This multinational consultancy helps companies exalt their brand value and overall business level. Our added feature is to inscribe unique and potent ideas and strategies to business entities.Berkshire Media LLC, USA, is the leading executor and the sole trademark owner of Asia’s Best Brand of the Year Awards.

Why Choose Us

Berkshire Media’s headquarters in the USA is renowned for providing multinational business consultancy. We conduct meticulous market research and provide consultation to companies interested in increasing profits and have objected to starting new ventures. We invest all our efforts in implementing world-class strategies and international standards in the functioning of the leading business institutions.For many years Berkshire Media has marked its trustworthiness among its clients and continues to be a reliable advisor to the world’s top global companies and business firms. We stand with our clients to devise appropriate measures for facing those challenging and perilous market conditions. Achieving the norms and objectives of the organization is the motto for which we combine our efforts.

Our Values

Berkshire Media is a sole united endeavor for the best deserving brand and company to win the putative title. We bring a team of sharp-witted and adept consultants, diligent researchers, and many decisive strategists who work profoundly to support each brand/company to grow and outshine their idiosyncratic locus in the global market.

We consistently hold up the organization to build a strong brand image in the customer’s domain. Discrete aspects of our core values are:
1. To build a firm brand name.
2. 100% wholehearted satisfaction of all associated with us.
3. Strive to hold on to the principles of integrity and goodwill.
4. The diverse business operates being given equal opportunity.
5. We combine our efforts to make the world a better place for business organizations.

Our Impact

Berkshire Media tracks down the most neoteric and talented business brands in this highly competitive corporate world. We provide a window of praiseworthy reputation and recognition for those deserving and offer them to be globally masterly brands. We invite participants from all around the world, despite its size and profitability, to make the world know about your success story.
Asia’s Best Brand of the Year Awards promises you to proceed and conquer new heights. Berkshire Media is legendary in making decisions in recognizing the best brands/ companies and continuing on this path in the future.

The Awards Concept

Asia’s Best Brand of the Year Award is an honor for the excellence of a brand in triggering a prodigious social impact on the current year. This is the most prominent and reputed award in the corporate world. Crowned with this award is a splendid glory to be achieved by a brand. This gives a unique signature and intense media coverage, making them a global business icon. Besides the productivity, rate of sales, and overall profitability of the firm, the admiration and respect of the brand among the customers are the canon used to sort out the winners. The striving endeavor of the brands is being recognized and honored by this consumer choice award. We cast around to pinpoint the best among the circle of renowned brands. This award opens the door to the global economy and to further innovations and developments.
Brands that come about as an idea for the customers by extending a god of job opportunities for those jobless, its business sustainability, pricing policies, after-sales services, etc., are nominated for this accolade award. Possessing this award is an astounding achievement that the winners feature on their official websites and social media. This helps them be a unique brand for the customers and other business firms; moreover, it has a unique signature in this challenging and competitive market.
A brand that endures trustworthiness and sustainability in the customer’s mind by delivering quality service and positively impacting society is qualified for this award. For over a decade, we have been striving to pick out the best brand and to organize good companies’ award ceremonies to acclaim them in the presence of prominent brands, corporate houses, and dignitaries.
Recently, the brands that possess only a negotiable market share and turnover but have an irreplaceable preference for the public, making them a proficient competitors the market, have requested to honor the best among them. Acceptance of this request springs to Asia’s Best Brand of the Year Awards. This is the right platform for those upcoming buds to mold themselves as a symbol of success in the corporate world.




Mike King Man

Co founder, Manager

Jack McCalister

Web Developer

Elisabeth Green

Senior Designer

Lisa Browner

Support Manager

John Doe

System Manager

Annie Roserra

Graphic Designer

Customers and partners